Nov 30, 2018
This week we talk Obsidian's upcoming game announcement, Darksiders 3, Red Dead Redemption Online, Fallout 76 nylon bag dreams, Nintendo's new creator guidelines, and more!
Nov 23, 2018
This week we talk about the less than stellar start for Valve's Artifact, Realm Royale has a gong show tournament, Twitch is coming for your musics, and much...much more!
Nov 16, 2018
This week we talk about Microsoft buying Obsidian, Command and Conquer remakes, the continuing gong show that's Fallout 76, Detective Pikachu, and more!
Nov 9, 2018
This week was a busy one as we talk about Fallout 76 bugs and features, Rainbow Six Siege cleaning up their game, Youtube banning folks for Read Dead Redemption videos, the 2080 ti dead card fiasco, Final Fantasy 15's DLC cancellation, Blizzard's Blizzcon 2018 Diablo Immortal announcement and more!
Nov 2, 2018
This week we talk about Trion Worlds closing its doors, Twitch VIP and other updates, Playstation Mini's brutal list of games, Smash Bros Ultimate additions, Magic the Gathering, Artifact and more!